Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Night Sky 2/10/11

Twas about 9:00 when I ventured into the cold night, star chart in hand, to observe the happenings of the sky. I am pleased to report that my experience was successful. My fears that I wouldn't be able to locate anything were silly and proven no longer viable soon after I gained my bearings and realized that my fears of the winter sky were irrational, and that hey, the winter sky isn't so bad! Immediately, I saw Orion. He doesn't take much effort to find. And I looked at M42, the stellar nursery in the hilt of his sword with binoculars and was very impressed. There were a bunch of stars concentrated in that one area and I thought it was really cool. Near Orion is Taurus, the bull with its signature V shape. I viewed with binocs the Pleaides and the Hyades, even though I've seen them plenty before. I looked for Mr. Percival's tried and true G shape in the winter sky and it turned out pretty well. Castor and Pollux in Gemini? Saw it. Capella in Auriga? Saw it. Sirius in Canis Major? Saw it. It was a good time, but I really want to go to a class stargaze soon so I can get even more comfortable with the winter sky.

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