Where? My driveway
When? 10:00-10:30
Finally a night that was clear enough to see anything! I hadn't realized how frustrating it is to have to depend on the cooperation of the clouds. I saw the Summer Triangle, which was directly overhead as promised. That was cute. With binoculars, I believe I saw some of the constellation Cygnus near Deneb. The moon is nearing first quarter, research says that tomorrow is the day. With binoculars, I could see a faint Antares right below the moon. The brightness of the moon sort of interfered with seeing the rest of Scorpius. Was that Jupiter hanging out in the East? I think it was. Good stuff. I would have stayed out longer, but the mosquitos told me I must go inside. I want to drive somewhere with even less light pollution. East of 75 is already better than my peers who live in Sarasota, but if I could get out to Myakka this weekend... Wouldn't that be nice.
It would be nice!